Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Racing Licenses and info

I was reminded by Steve Capps that if you plan on doing any racing this year, please renew or apply for your 2013 racing license. Most of you probably know the drill.Here is a link with all the details.

In summary, to get either a Road racing or Mountain bike license, the initial cost is $60. If you want to do both, then the add-on cost is $30.

Beginners can always do a one-day license which is $10 per event.

For those new to Road racing, the categories are Cat 5 (beginner) to Cat 1, then Pro
Here is a link that gives more details

For Mountain bike racing, Cat 3 (Beginner) to Cat 1, then Pro

Note, that the beginner class in both road (Cat 5) and mtb (Cat 3) DO NOT receive any points.
Correction: Mtb Cat 3 racers with a annual license DO receive team points, but not individual points.

In all other classes, you will receive some points for every race. Of course if you place higher you will receive   more points. This is especially important so Team BC will get more points as well.


joshlewis21 said...

Racing Cat 3 on the mountain bike will get points for the team. This rule was changed in 2012.

Unknown said...

Oh really? Thanks Josh! Sorry about that!